Saturday, January 31, 2009

Doubled our age

In a few more days, Ozias will have been out of me for as long as he was in me. I'm not sure what that means, but it seems like it's a landmark that should be commemorated with some recent pictures and videos. Our new stage, "Mobilization" has progressed so quickly that when I was emptying the videos off the camera, I thought that he looked "so little" in the ones at the beginning of the file, when in reality, it was less than a month ago. For example, there was a video of him struggling to pick up a piece of noodle with his whole hand that is only a few weeks old, but now he can use his "pincer grasp" with the best of them.
My favorite part about this new stage is that he can play by himself while I get things done. Not that I actually accomplish much, since I have to put down whatever I'm doing and pick up the camera every 5 minutes! Here's a few of my favorites from this month
The ball is our all-time favorite toy!

I just fed myself some egg yolk!

I love this picture!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

The video was great! Love to hear his little voice ...... singing to his mommy!